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How to Make a Thankful Turkey – Kids Thanksgiving Craft

Kids Thankful Turkey

Our Kids Thanksgiving Craft: A Grateful Turkey

Thanksgiving is the perfect time to remind your children about the importance of being grateful for the things we have. Our daughter has an obsession with making things out of toilet paper rolls, so I decided we would make our kids Thanksgiving craft using one. You can make this Thankful Turkey using materials you already have in your house!

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What You Need for your Kids Thanksgiving Craft

DISCLAIMER: Parental supervision is required with all projects. I hope you enjoy the quality time creating memories together!

Thankful Turkey Supplies

How to Make your Thankful Turkey

  1. Cut a piece of brown paper 4″x6″. Roll the paper around the toilet paper roll and glue in place.
  2. Cut a feather out of each piece of colored paper you choose. We used five colors, but feel free to use more or less.
  3. On each feather, have your child write one thing they are thankful for.
  4. Glue each feather on the back of the toilet paper roll.
  5. Draw eyes on your turkey with marker, glue on with construction paper, or use googly eyes.
  6. Cut a small triangle out of orange paper and glue on for the turkey’s beak. We also cut a little wavy piece of red paper to glue on for the turkey’s wattle.

Celebrating Gratitude

There are other fantastic ways to teach children how to celebrate gratitude. Have them write thank you letters to their teacher or postal carrier. Start a journal where they can list people and things they are grateful for each day. There are a lot of great books to celebrate gratitude, also. Check out Llama Llama Gives Thanks, Thanksgiving is for Giving Thanks, or Bear Says Thanks.

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday and can spend quality time together as a family. I am so grateful for each of you who support our family small business, whether that be sharing our posts or making your own crafts with our products. You are on our gratitude list this holiday season and everyday!

Happy Thanksgiving!