Realtor Social Sign
Social Signs 4 (2)
Social Signs 3
Social Signs 2
Social Signs 4 (3)
Social Signs 1

Small Business Signs | Social Signs | Signs for Vendor Events


The perfect sign for businesses to increase their customer reach or make accepting payments easier. Completely customizable to fit your business needs. We will email you a mock up within 48 hours of placing your order; please check the email you use to place the order and reply within 48 hours of receipt.

Engraved sections will be paint filled with black paint, accent pieces will be made with 1/8″ acrylic in the color you choose. Please message us for additional options. Choose to have your logo added to the sign under “Customized Logo” option. You will need to provide us the logo you wish to use so we can process it.

**In the personalization box, please provide any additional information we may need. Example: “Please engrave ‘Usborne Books and More’ under the QR codes”**

Feel free to message us directly on Facebook if you would like to discuss your options and design before placing an order.



These Small Business Signs are perfect for any business aiming to grow their social media presence, customer reach, or find easier ways to accept payments at vendor events.  These signs are customizable to include QR codes leading clients to your social media handles, website, email, payment methods, and more. Perfect for all businesses including handmade crafters, direct sellers, realtors, nonprofits, brick and mortar, and everything in between.

Tell us what shape you would like, how many QR codes you want, and your color preferences. In the personalization box, please let us know of any special writing you would like on the sign (ex: your name, your email, etc.). If you would like a premium acrylic (mirrored or glitter), please message us to see what additional options may be available. We will create a mock up and send you within 48 hours. Please respond within 48 hours if you approve the design or request edits. Feel free to message us directly on Facebook if you would like to discuss your options and design before placing an order.

Sign sizes can vary depending on shape and number of QR codes requested. Signs are made from 1/8″ acrylic. Portions of the sign are engraved (i.e. “Let’s get”) and filled with black paint while other portions have additional piece of 1/8″ acrylic attached (i.e. “Social”). QR codes are engraved and paint filled. The sign fits snugly in the base and can be detached for transport.

Choose to have your logo added to the sign under “Customized Logo” option. You will need to provide us the logo you wish to use so we can process it.

Additional information

Weight 16 oz
Dimensions 12 × .125 × 12 in


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